Live Holy Eucharist | Live Konkani Mass at 6.45 am, Sun 17th July 2022 | St. Joseph Church,Mira Road
Live Holy Eucharist | Live Konkani Holy Mass at 6.45 am, Sunday 17th July 2022; 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Joseph Church, Mira Road, India. Holy Eucharist at 6.45 am in Konkani. Readings of the Day: Genesis 18:1-10; Psalms 14: 2-5 r.1; Col 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42. Responsorial Psalm: The just will live in the presence of the Lord. Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Open our hearts, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son Alleluia!