Unveiling Tedros' Dark Secret: The Idol Theory
This theory will change the way you watch The Idol forever. Is Tedros Evil? Is Tedros The Devil or a cult leader? Or is Jennie the villain? There are so many hidden meanings in The Idol series and details you missed in episode one alone, It's worth watching again. America's Most "Boring Hate Watch" is getting a lot of attention from Jennie Kim, Lilly-rose Depp, and The Weeknd scenes on HBO, but I've noticed that The Idol is Darker than you think. But is The Idol good? Is The Idol bad? The Idol is DARK! Let's talk about it! The Idol Theory - Tedros is The Devil ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live Streams - / theadamhawk A Great Way to Reach Me - / theadamhawk A bunch of my cats - / theadamhawk Chapters: 00:00 There's Something Wrong with Tedros 00:17 Ep 1 Is VERY Specific 00:30 The Idol Episode 1 Synopsis 01:27 Who is Tedros? 02:18 What Does Life is War mean? 02:48 Is Tedros the Devil? 04:21 Is Tedros a villain? 05:21 The Idol Episode 1 Ending Explained 06:10 YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OVER 06:21 The Idol Episode 1 End Credits Easter Egg 06:37 Prince Darling Nikki Played in Reverse 07:41 Conclusion? 07:55 The Idol Episode 1 Hidden Details In this video: the idol, the idol hbo, the idol jennie, the idol the weeknd, the idol controversy, the idol ending, is the idol bad, is the idol good, the idol ending explained, the idol is dark, the idol darker than you think, the idol theory, the idol tedros cult, the idol reaction, the idol review, why the idol is so controvesial, jennie the idol villain scene, tedros cult explained, the idol storyline, the idol explained, who is tedros?