BLIND FAITH: Pastor James Lorenzo Edwin PhD
Blind Faith teaching is taken from the narrative of Blind Bartimaeus in the Bible Gospel of Mark 10:46-52. Pastor James preaches on the importance of faith in the word of Yahuah. This is the kind of faith that allows signs and wonders to follow immediately. Father’s Word is forever settled in the Heavenly Kingdom and will perform all that it was sent to do. #bling faith. Please like and share this teaching to increase views of this video, which is another way of sharing Truth to others. By subscribing and clicking on the bell for notification, you will receive our newly uploaded videos. Our worship and bible studies are on Zoom every Sunday 5 pm UK time for a family together worship service, Wednesdays and Fridays 7 pm UK time for bible study. #blind Faith #Pastor James Lorenzo Edwin #Lorenzo Edwin #Pastor Edwin #bible study #church of believers #church #God #Yah #Yahuah #end #pastor #how #youth #long life #youth sermon #prayer #praise #give #free #future