2014 LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar DAY 21 - Set 75056 + Question of the Day!

2014 LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar DAY 21 - Set 75056 + Question of the Day!

Click here to see DAY 22:    • 2014 LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar D...   Click here to see ALL the 2014 Advent Calendar videos:    • 2014 LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar D...   Click here to see the 2012 LEGO ADVENT CALENDAR:    • LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar Review...   Click here to see the 2013 LEGO ADVENT CALENDAR:    • LEGO CITY Advent Calendar & LEGO STAR...   Our 2nd Channel EvanTubeRAW:    / evantuberaw   Our Gaming Channel EvanTubeGaming:    / evantubegaming   EvanTubeHD Merchandise NOW AVAILABLE!: http://www.rodeoarcade.com/collection... Save 20% on EvanTubeHD Backpacks and Lunchboxes through December 14th. Use CodeL SCHOOLGEAR FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $50! FOLLOW US! Instagram:   / evantubehd   Facebook:   / evantubehd   Twitter:   / evantubehd   It's December and time for the 2014 LEGO STAR WARS Advent Calendar (Set 75056)! Today I'm opening up door #21! This year I'm also asking and answering a different Holiday Question of the Day. Today's question is: Are you doing anything special for your vacation? Make sure to leave your answer in the comments section below. I'll open a new door each day and will have a new question for you as well. Stay tuned, the countdown to Christmas has begun! Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects