Feast of Christ the King | Solemn Vespers & Benediction (2022)
This is Solemn 2nd Vespers of the Feast of Christ the King, recorded Sunday, October 20, 2022. This office was sung at St. Joseph Shrine, of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan, USA. St. Joseph Shrine is an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP). Vespers are sung every Sunday at 6:00 P.M. If you support videos like these, please subscribe and consider making a donation to the St. Joseph Shrine Historic Renewal Campaign (links below). Celebrant Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior Cantor Canon Jean-Baptiste Commins, Rector ICKSP https://institute-christ-king.org St. Joseph Shrine https://historicrenewal.com https://stjosephshrined.org Solemn 2nd Vespers 1:27 Deus in adjutórium 2:29 Ant. 1 - Pacíficus | Díxit Dóminus (8G) 5:19 Ant. 2 - Regnum éjus | Confitébor (8c) 8:41 Ant. 3 - Ecce vir Oriens | Beátus vir (7a) 12:06 Ant. 4 - Dominus júdex nóster | Laudáte púeri (3a) 14:54 Ant. 5 - Ecce dédi te | Laudáte Dóminum (8G) 16:39 Chapter (Coloss. I.) 17:06 Hymn - Te sæculórum Príncipem 21:31 Versicle - Multiplicábitur 22:10 Magnificat Antiphon - Habet in vestiménto | Magnificat (7a) 30:00 Collect 30:53 Benedicámus (I Class, 2nd Vespers, Mode V) Solemn Exposition & Benediction 35:23 Panis Angelicus III 44:05 Salve Regina (Solemn) 47:53 Tu es Petrus 49:03 Tantum Ergo III 53:02 Divine Praises 54:33 Cor Jesu Sacratissimum 55:15 Acclamations Carolingiennes (abbreviated)