The Holy Spirit's Role in our Salvation (Titus 3:5-7)  |  Evening Sermon - March 9, 2025

The Holy Spirit's Role in our Salvation (Titus 3:5-7) | Evening Sermon - March 9, 2025

What part does the Holy Spirit take in our salvation? Today we study that question from Titus 3:5-7 with Pastor Justin Gort. Regenerates Renews Resides #sundayservice #eveningservice #titus #trinity ________________________________ Each week, we livestream our Sunday Morning Service (10.30 am) and Sunday Evening Service (6.00 pm) from Calvary Baptist Church in Derby, Kansas. Find the latest available bulletin: Give online at Find us on Facebook: @CBCDerby   / cbcderby   Calvary website: #church #Kansas #derbyks Songs covered by CCLI number1229475 Thanks for watching!