2020 UPC Worship - 6th Sunday of Easter
2020 UPC Virtual Worship 5th Sunday of Easter Welcome to our virtual worship experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope this resource will help us reconnect with God and remember our community in our hearts and minds. If you would like to offer a donation, or if you have questions: University Presbyterian Church 139 E. Alameda Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282 upc@upctempe.org www.upcempe.org www.facebook.com/upctempe Get your order of Café Justo coffee by contacting the Church office. Your name and number will be forwarded and you will be contacted to make your order. Join us for coffee & fellowship following worship at https://zoom.us/j/804495312 Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-731647.