Zombie Army 4 Dead War Hard mode Co-Op Gameplay #3
Hitler's hordes are back for more in a chilling new shooter from the creators of Sniper Elite 4! Creepy demonic enemies, epic weapons and an incredible new campaign for 1-4 players in the spirit of 1940s Europe. Fight the undead and don't let humanity die! The resistance defeated zombie Hitler and cast him into hell, but the dead have risen again, and they hunger for flesh even more than ever! Experience the continuation of the Zombie Army Trilogy story in massive new levels and uncover a villainous plan with the Survivor Brigade as they travel across Italy and beyond! Battle the forces of darkness in corpse-filled canals, survive a zombie zoo, and venture into dark and sinister places... from which no one has ever escaped alive! Enjoy Rebellion's unique ballistics system, created specifically for the Sniper Elite series, and use it to fight the terrifying hordes of the damned! The X-Ray Kill Cam is back! Watch in slow motion as bullets, bombs and other weapons destroy bones and organs in X-rays. Watch as your bullets tear off rotten limbs, but don't lose your grip as THE DEAD KEEP COVERING! Create a killer to your liking and level up! Do you imagine yourself as a guardian angel? Cover your teammates by taking damage for them! Do you like this turret so much? Why not take it with you? Perform spectacular kills in style and unlock new outfits, emotes and taunts! When the dead surround you, fight in hand-to-hand combat! Break through the crowds, jump over heads and send the living dead into oblivion with menacing blows! Harness the power of fire, lightning and divine essence by upgrading your weapons at the workbench, and call upon your own hell creatures to help you! An assault rifle that shoots lightning? A pistol with a flaming bayonet? In the decisive battle for the fate of humanity, all means are fair! Face off against legions of hideous undead, giant armored elite warriors, terrifying shadow demons, exploding suicidal generals, and more! And when the ZOMBIE TANK points its muzzle at you, you will regret not hiding behind the sofa! In advanced horde mode, the battlefield against the undead is constantly growing. The longer you survive, the larger the map becomes. How long will you last if you don't join the ranks of the LIVING DEAD? #zombiearmy4 #zombiearmy4deadwar #deadwar #zombiearmy #zombiearmy4gameplay #zombies #gameplay #coop #hordemode #coopcampaign #zombiearmy4review #thirdpersonshooter #shooter #horror #multiplayer #xraykillcam #singleplayercampaign #action #gaming #zombiearmy4deadwargameplay #game #pc #rebellion #xbox #review #zombiearmy4deadwarreview #zombieshark #newzombiearmygame #zombiehitler #zombiearmy4shark #zombiearmytrilogy #zombie #funny #videogame #xboxone #walkthrough #playstation #zombiearmy4deadwarfullgame #zombiearmy4collectorsedition #trailer #ps4 #nazi #zombiearmy4launch #zombiearmycollectorsedition #games #releasedate #zombiearmyreleasedate #launchtrailertrailer #zombiearmy4walkthrough #funnymoments #sniperelite #releasedatetrailer #zombiearmy4deadwartrailer #zombiearmy4trailer #hitler #fullgame #remix #zombiearmy4beforeyoubuy #1080p60fps #switch #zombiearmy4deadwarcampaign #epicgames #ps4pro #terroriser #funtage #zombiearmy4deadwarwalkthroughpart1 #xbox360 #revealtrailer #rebelliondevelopments #zombiearmy4deadwarпрохождение #sniperelitezombiearmy4 #zombiearmy4playthrough #zombiearmy4ending #zombiearmy4allbosses #nintendo #zombiearmy4longplay #zombiearmy4fullgame #zombiearmy4horde #zombiearmy4deadwarending #seasonpass3 #zombiearmyseasonpass #zombiearmy4dlc #terminalerror #zombiearmysequel #beforeyoubuy #playstation4 #playstationeu #zombiearmy4hordemode #playstationeurope #zombiearmy4deadwarpart1 #e32019 #zombiearmy4part1 #epic #zombiearmy4deadwarwalkthrough #pseu22072019tag #zombiearmy4mission1 #zombiearmy4deadwargameplaypart1 #finalboss #2019 #deadwarzombiearmy4 #zombiearmy4gameplaypart1 #vanoss #vanossgaming #youtubegaming #sniperelitezombies #zombiearmy4deadwarfinalbossfightending #bossfightzombiearmy4deadwar #bossfightzombiearmy4 #coopzombiegames #zombiearmy4deadwarcallmekevin #igorbelan #zombiearmy4funny #letsplay #clips #zombieshooter #slowmotion #zombiearmy4deadwardemodownload #bossfightzombiearmy4deadwardownload #zombiearmytrilogybossfight #cmk #play #bullettime #sound #lighting #zombiearmy4deadwardownloadoceanofgames #direct #raytracing #rtx #zombiearmy4deadwarpcgamedownload #texture #ultra #graphics #zombiearmy4letsplay #trilogy #comparison #analysis #digitalfoundry #sidebyside #zombiearmy4deadwardownload #effects #kevin #callmekevin #zombiearmy4deadwarapkdownload #moments #kevin1811 #monster #skeleton #zombiearmy4deadwardownloadfree #difference #contrast #nick930 #undead #zed #lets #zombiearmyplaystation4 #zombiearmyallmonsters #vandalnet #vandal #zombiearmy4allmonsters #zombiearmyallbossfights #zombiearmyallbossescompilation #zombiearmyboss #zombiearmyallbosses #allendings #ending #zombiearmy4hitlerscene #animation #video #gamerslittleplayground #glp #gamemovie #al