Advent Carol Service: Sunday 29 November, 6pm

Advent Carol Service: Sunday 29 November, 6pm

Advent is the season when the Church prepares for the coming of Christ as Saviour and as Judge. It is a time of rejoicing as we await the birth of the Christ-child at Bethlehem, but also a time for penitence as we reflect on the ultimate issues of death and judgement, heaven and hell. And so the themes of darkness and light, and the reading of passages from the Old Testament pointing to the fulfilment of God’s purposes in Jesus, speak to us of the Church’s hope in the coming of Christ – the Light of the World – to banish both sin and darkness. Join the Cathedral clergy and choir with readings and music chosen to reflect the themes they announce, and to enable us to look forward with joyful expectation to the proclamation of God’s kingdom, the cosmic transforming character of the Christmas event.