The Art of Neighboring | August 29, 2021 | The Bridge | Asbury Bham
THE BRIDGE SUNDAY SERVICE Series: The Art of Neighboring Robert Mercer Worship Set List: Your Love Awakens Me - Phil Wickham Starlight - Bethel Tremble - Mosaic MSC New Wine - Hillsong -------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US Facebook: / asburybham Website: https://asburyonline.org/ The Bridge Worship Songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LW... Worship through giving: https://asburyonline.org/give/ #asburybham #unitedmethodistchurch #contemporaryworship #modernworship #worship #thebridge #yourloveawakensme #philwickham #starlight #bethel #bethelmusic #tremble #mosaic #mosaicmsc #newwine #hillsong