The Blacksmith Trophy Guide | A Plague Tale Innocence

The Blacksmith Trophy Guide | A Plague Tale Innocence

The Blacksmith Trophy Guide (Chapter 16) | A Plague Tale Innocence MP Jamod [Full Gameplay] ✅✅    / @mpjamod   The Blacksmith 🏆 Find Rodric's forge. Chapter 16 - Coronation In chapter 16, you’ll reach a point where you save some folks who get shot with arrows. Before you push the cart go right and to the end of the street, turn right again. Walk to the end of the alley, look to the gate on the right and use the slingshot to open it. Backtrack to where you came in but enter through the newly opened gate on the left. Follow the road to the end and listen to the conversation to pop the 🏆. ======= A Plague Tale: Innocence (All Collectibles & All Achievements)    • A Plague Tale: Innocence (All Collect...   A Plague Tale Innocence Trophy Guide    • A Plague Tale Innocence Trophy Guide   A Plague Tale Innocence (All Puzzles & Bosses)    • A Plague Tale Innocence (All Puzzles ...   ======= A Plague Tale Requiem Walkthrough (All Collectibles, All Achievements)    • A Plague Tale Requiem (100% Completion)   A Plague Tale: Innocence Walkthrough (All Collectibles, All Achievements)    • A Plague Tale: Innocence 100 % Walkth...   ======= A Plague Tale Requiem All Collectibles & Trophies / Achievements 🏆    • A Plague Tale Requiem All Collectible...   A Plague Tale Requiem All Puzzles & Boss Fights    • A Plague Tale Requiem All Puzzles & B...   #aplaguetale #aplaguetaleinnocence #innocence #mptrophy #aplaguetale2023