12/18/22 - Fourth Sunday in Advent
Worship with us In-Person (Temperature Checks and Masks Required) or Virtually at 10:00 AM. The message, "A Mighty God" - Isaiah 9:1-7, will be shared by Reverend Barry Hill, Associate Minister, New Life AME Zion Church, College Park, GA Support our ministry securely online with your contributions through the Givelify app https://giv.li/tvfyix or Paypal: paypal.me/FaithAMEZion. You may mail your offering to the church: 38 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr. Atlanta, GA 30311 or text your offering to 404-500-0712. Interested in Becoming a Member of Faith? Have you been visiting Faith? Would you like to learn more about our congregation, and what it means to become a member? We'd love to get to know you. Connect with us!! Please click here: https://faithamezion.breezechms.com/f... or give us a call at 404-691-4075.