Revealing the BEST Index Fund Investing Strategy for Canadians in 2025 | Canada's Best ETFs

Revealing the BEST Index Fund Investing Strategy for Canadians in 2025 | Canada's Best ETFs

A follow-up to my previous video, I'm revealing the best investing strategy that, after spending 8 years of trying virtually everything, has worked the best for me — the S&P500 based index fund investing. It's a proven, safe and reliable way to get 10-11% annual return historically, essentially doubling your money every 5-7 years, according to the last 100 years of the US existence and its financial markets. We'll compare and talk about VFV, VOO VEQT and XEQT, so all the best Canadian ETFs in one video. 🤗 There's no need for scummy and risky strategies, you'll never hear any advice about Bitcoin, crypto and anything risky from me — all I advise is what I do myself, what's reliable and has a history of proven success, which the S&500 index does, and that's all I invest in right now, despite the worries I have towards Trump's presidency. Hope you find it helpful, folks! Have a great watch! 💸