Top 8 Indoor Plants With Air Purifying Properties

Top 8 Indoor Plants With Air Purifying Properties

Top 8 Indoor Plants With Air Purifying Properties. Bambo Palm This beautiful tropical plant gives a fresh look to your living room. It has the ability to reduce formaldehyde which causes irritation to your nose, eyes, and throat. It also reduces xylene which causes dizziness and headaches. Bosten fern If you don’t have space for Bamboo Palm you can go with Bosten fern this pretty looking green plant has the same power of purifying formaldehyde & xylene as Bamboo Palm. Snake Plant This longleaf yellow tip succulent is also called as “mother in laws tongue”. It has the ability to release oxygen at night time. Making it the best plant to keep in the bedroom. Weeping Fig It is one of the most popular indoor plants from the Victorian period. It is a low maintenance plant with some serious air cleaning abilities. It can clean pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Spider plant This green plant may not be very popular but it has some great benefits. It has the ability to purify toxic formaldehyde – found in paper and synthetic fabrics – and also brings down levels of xylene. Aloe Vera Once grown up - it is very easy to care. It has thick fleshy leaves which contain a clear gel full of vitamins enzymes and antioxidants. There is evidence that when kept indoor can help in conditions like psoriasis. Dracaena This plant is a good choice for your office. There are more than 40 varieties of this plant so no need to worry about choices. It has the ability to remove pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. Peace Lilly It is a small and very beautiful plant making it a perfect option for small spaces. It has the ability to purify pollutants like ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde. It is a good choice for your living room.