Cheapest DIY GreenHouse Ever | Easy Green House with Fold-up Walls

Cheapest DIY GreenHouse Ever | Easy Green House with Fold-up Walls

In this video I make a super cheap, functional greenhouse with fold up walls for your garden. Let me know your thoughts! DIY greenhouse on a budget! How to build a greenhouse: Here's What you're going to need. A staple Gun. Staples. A knife with a sharp blade. A circular saw, a drill, an impact driver. And some wood screws. At least 1.5 inches. I used 2 inch screws. You can get away with just using a hand saw and a drill or a screw driver. But power tools makes life easier. Optional tools include a spirit level. A speed square. A pencil. And a carpenters belt. All handy but not required. Materials you'll need are. For the frame. I used 4 8 foot 2x2s. And 4 8 foot 2x1's. I ended up buying some 2x4's for my original design. But I didn't use them, as you will see later on For the walls …You'll also need a roll of Polyethyline… (Poly) or green house plastic. If you're not familiar with poly, it comes in various sizes. I got 6mil which I believe is the thickest you can buy. It came in a huge roll and unfolds to 102 inches wide, is 58 feet long and covers an area of 500 square feet. More than enough for this project. You can also see in the video that my poly says keep out of sunlight. If we were expecting this green house to last until our grandchildren inherit it, this poly would not be a good material to use. There is green house plastic on the market specifically designed for this use. Essentially, the UV's will start to breakdown poly ofter time, But, the house I'm living in is getting torn down next year so I only need this green house to last me this season. I was lucky enough to get this poly for free from a job site, so when this green house is finished I will only have spent under 20 dollars on materials. Look around. You can get most of these materials for free if you know where to look. Construction sites often through out lumber and gently used poly. In the end, I don't think it looks half bad. The walls fold up. I screwed in screws half way into the frame then hooked the string on to the screws. When ever I want to fold up a wall, I just unhook the string. Then in reverse when I want to secure them again. Nice and easy. An idea that worked surprisingly well! And for like 20 bucks and a day outside in the summer, it was well worth it. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and if you're not a subscriber of my channel yet? Now's a great time! Thanks very much for watching! Let me know if your green house turned out as well as mine! Note: I don't provide exact measurements for this build. This video is designed to show you the general idea of my design. Trust me, It doesn't get much easier. Build your green house to the dimensions of your garden and have fun!