KNIFE NERFS Incoming?!~ / Holly, No Hope, Act 2 / Back 4 Blood Multiplayer Co-op Gameplay
RIP Combat Knife~ ;-; Pre June Update No Hope gameplay, featuring Gara, SuZKi, & Blue~ Streaming live at: / djghostboy / @djghostboy Join us on Discord: / discord Support the channel: https://streamelements.com/ghostboy-9... Cleaner: Holly Run: Act 2 Difficulty: No Hope Platform: PC (Steam) Team Composition: Doc (SuZKi) Jim (Gara) Heng (Blue) Holly (ghostboy) Deck: 01 Fit as a Fiddle 02 Well Rested 03 Money Grubbers 04 Marked for Death 05 Combat Knife 06 Meth Head 07 Slugger 08 Pumped Up 09 Battle Lust 10 Face Your Fears 11 Vanguard 12 Ignore the Pain 13 Motorcycle Helmet 14 Spiky Bits 15 Fanny Pack Chapters: 00:00:00 Fort Hope: Pre-game 00:01:18 5-1 THE ARMORY: A Call to Arms 00:18:47 RIDDEN HIVE: 300 Below 00:47:30 5-2 THE ARMORY: The Handy Man 01:09:19 6-1 PLAN B: Pipe Cleaners 01:29:23 6-2 PLAN B: Hinterland 01:49:10 RIDDEN HIVE: Brood Lair 02:14:25 INNER LAIR: The Nursery 02:31:49 6-3 PLAN B: Trailer Trashed 02:50:34 6-4 PLAN B: The Clog 03:03:55 RIDDEN HIVE: Caustic Cesspool 03:32:36 INNER LAIR: The Nursery 03:46:00 6-5 PLAN B: The Broken Bird 03:58:50 7-1 JOB 10:22 — Heralds of the Worm Part 1 04:07:12 7-2 JOB 10:22 — Heralds of the Worm Part 2 04:20:40 7-3 JOB 10:22 — Grave Danger 04:30:46 Fort Hope: Post-game