Vaginal Boils : When To Seek Medical Help and Why
Vaginal boil when to seek medical help A boil is a bump that develops under the skin, painful and filled with pus. It usually happens when the bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus infects the sacs containing your hair's roots and oil glands. A boil can also develop from a cut in the skin from shaving with a razor or from another injury to the area. The bacteria can enter the body when there is an injury or a cut. A boil can develop on various parts of the body such as the armpit, the vagina, the back of the head, in skin folds. Boils start small but can grow as big as a golf ball. Vaginal Boils can go away on their own with home remedies and there are times when this does not happen and you would have to seek medical help. Visit your doctor when you develop these symptoms with vaginal boils, Your boil gets large and very painful, Your boil doesn’t get better within two weeks even with the use of home remedies, You get more than one boil, this can indicate a more serious problem, When you develop a carbuncle which is a cluster of boils, this is more serious and would require medical attention, You get recurrent boils near your vagina, when you develop a high body tempearture, you are diabetic or have a weakened immune system. Connect with me on email: [email protected] Facebook page: time with Lydia the pharmacist Instagram: Lydia_the_pharmacist TikTok:timewithlydiathepharmacist Disclaimer: This video is solely for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any medical condition. contents have been created from gathering information from various sources and from experience. seek medical advice from an appropriate healthcare practitioner if you need help with any medical problem. Join this channel to get access to the perks: / @timewithlydiathepharmacist