Yummy Miniature Puffer Fish Curry Recipe 🐠 Cooking Blow Fish with Rice in Mini Kitchen - ASMR Video

Yummy Miniature Puffer Fish Curry Recipe 🐠 Cooking Blow Fish with Rice in Mini Kitchen - ASMR Video

Yummy Miniature Puffer Fish Curry Recipe 🐠 Cooking Blow Fish with Rice in Mini Kitchen - ASMR Video Hello World, I'm Food Lover and Miniature Lover, my name is Clover 🍀 ! I'm MASTER CHEF in my MINIATURE KITCHEN ! I watch and see a puffer fish meme online so I think it's a nice idea to make a dishes with that fish. Today I will show yo how I make puffer fish curry in miniature kitchen. It's smallest puffer fish I have ever seen!!! Do you like my recipe? Please let me know! Thank you so much for watching! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Timestamps below to jump to part that interest you : 0:00 | Yummy Miniature Puffer Fish Curry Recipe 🐡 4:17 | Time to eat cake 🥂 Cheers Ingredients I used to make delicious puffer fish curry : Puffer fish, carrot, cream, bell pepper, fish sauce, cooking oil, bean, rice, water and other ingredients I Love Food, Food and Food and Miniature and Cooking and Asmr . So I create this channel to share my video cooking DELICIOUS FOOD in my MINIATURE KITCHEN with you. Let's watch and tell me why you LOVE my video ma friends ! PS: Don't be shy to LIKE and SHARE my video with your friends. And if you love my video, SUBSCRIBE me now : https://bit.ly/3IXKjCV Thank for watching ! Love my video, watch more in my PLAYLIST : https://bit.ly/3DG4rso ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Love my video? Watch some AMAZING COOKING MINIATURE from me here : Quick and Easy Shrimp Taco Recipe 🌮 Mini Yummy Make Shrimp Tacos in Miniature Kitchen - ASMR Video    • Quick and Easy Shrimp Taco Recipe 🌮 M...   Softest Miniature Chocolate Cake Decorating - Delicious Original Chocolate Cake Recipe - Mini Yummy    • Softest Miniature Chocolate Cake Deco...   Music: 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 맛있는 상상 -    • [Royalty Free Music] 맛있는 상상/Delicious...   🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 내 꿈은 말이지 -    • [브금대통령](기분좋은/밝은/Bright) 내 꿈은 말이지/My D...   🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 가을 소풍 -    • [Royalty Free Music] 가을 소풍/Autumn Pic...   #pufferfish #puperfishcurry #miniaturecooking #miniature #miniaturefood #miniyummy #miniaturekitchen #asmrcooking