Virtual Service: David and Bathsheba | Sunday, July 25, 2021 | Baker Chapel UMC

Virtual Service: David and Bathsheba | Sunday, July 25, 2021 | Baker Chapel UMC

It is almost unbelievable that this story made it into holy scripture. It's remarkable that the beheading of John the Baptist by King David made it into scripture and that it even happened to a man of God. But we have to be thankful that this story was included as there has to be good news somewhere in this awful story if we are diligent and patient to find it. Pastor Randy tells us about the rise and downward spiral of the great King David, the sins he committed, and his confession. And David's story is the human story. If it happened to David, it could happen to any of us. Even after all of our giftedness and the ways God has empowered us to do his will on earth. We have that tendency to grasp and to take. When all we need for our joy and happiness is the gift that we already have. The good news is that we aren't left in our guilt, but we are called to repentance. And we are forgiven for our sins. #BakerChapelUMC #UnitedMethodistChurch #VirtualWorshipService ---- VIRTUAL SERVICE CHAPTERS ----- 0:00 - Welcome & Opening Song: "Nearer My God To Thee" 4:46 - Call To Worship: "Praise Him Like You Mean It" 15:02 - Sunday Message: "David and Bathsheba" 1:02:31 - Special Music & Closing: "At The Cross" 1:05:15 - Blessing Online giving is available on our website. To make your tithes and offerings, go to: You can also mail your offerings to the church at the PO BOX. Baker Chapel UMC PO BOX 156 Boonville, IN 47601 ______________ Randy Moore - Pastor Scripture Lesson: 2 Samuel 11: 1-15