Levonorgestrel and Ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p || Ovral L Tablet
complete video • Ovral L Tablet | Ovral L Tablet Uses ... Ovral L Tablet - This lecture explains about Ovral L Tablet in detail in simple language and easy to understand. Ovral L Tablet is best best garbh nirodhak goli. This video is actually about best garbh nirodhak goli kaun si hai, sabs best garbh nirodhak goli , garbh nirodhak goli kaise khate hain, garbh nirodhak goli kab aur kaise lena chahiye, garbh nirodhak goli konsi achchi hai, garbh nirodhak goli 21 din wali, garbh nirodhak goli khane ke baad kitne din tak bleeding hoti hai and garbh nirodhak goli khane ke kitne din baad period aata hai etc. If we say in English it is called as contraceptive pill and this video will explain later about this as contraceptive pill benefits, contraceptive pill side effects, contraceptive pill 1 month pregnancy,contraceptive pill kaise use the Kare and contraceptive pill use in Hindi etc.. In this tablet contains levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p so indirectly in you will get information about levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p as levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p ,levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p uses and levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p hindi etc. Topic Discussed in this video related to: ovral l tablet ovral l tablet uses in Hindi ovral l tablet khane se kya hota hai ovral l tablet khane ke kitne din baad period aata hai levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p uses levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p hindi garbh nirodhak goli kaun si hai sabs best garbh nirodhak goli garbh nirodhak goli kaise khate hain garbh nirodhak goli kab aur kaise lena chahiye garbh nirodhak goli konsi achchi hai garbh nirodhak goli 21 din wali garbh nirodhak goli khane ke baad kitne din tak bleeding hoti hai garbh nirodhak goli khane ke kitne din baad period aata hai contraceptive pill benefits contraceptive pill side effects contraceptive pill 1 month pregnancy contraceptive pill kaise use Kare contraceptive pill use in Hindi गर्भनिरोधक गोली : संयुक्त मौखिक गर्भनिरोधक गोली, अक्सर जन्म नियंत्रण की गोली या बस "गोली" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, यह एक जन्म नियंत्रण विधि है जिसमे एस्ट्रोजेन और प्रोजेस्टिन का एक संयोजन शामिल है। जब हर दिन मुँह से यह लिया जाता है, इन गोलियों के कारण महिला प्रजनन को रोकता है। Ovral L Tablet: Ovral L Tablet is a medicine used for contraception (to prevent pregnancy) and in the treatment of irregular periods. It helps to prevent the release of the egg and its fertilization by the sperm. Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel Uses: Ethinyl Estradiol+Levonorgestrel is used for contraception. It may also be used in the treatment of irregular periods. How Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel works: Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel is a combined oral contraceptive pill. It works by preventing the release of egg (ovulation) and affecting sperm movement in the womb to prevent its union with the egg. It also changes the lining of the womb and renders it unsuitable for pregnancy. You can help:- By subscribe ,like and share my videos please 🙏🙂 on this channel / @waseemtyagi0 Disclaimer:- The following video is based on research and case studies gatherd from different books, media, internet spaces. Tyagi Medical Center and producer does not take any responsibility or liability for the accuracy. The video is made solely for the educational and informational purpose and is not created to harm, injury or defame any person, body of any person, association company or any one . This channel is not intended to spread rumors please do take doctor's adwise before taking medicines. Tyagi Medical Center never recommend self-medication. ____________________________________ We are social. Find us on different sites here- Other YouTube channels :- My Vlog channel 👉 / @waseemtyagi08 My main channel:- 👉 / @waseemtyagii09 Follow me there :- 👉 Instagram / waseem_tyagi09 Personal Instagram:- / waseemtyagi08 My Facebook account:- / wasee.rd.77 👉 Twitter https://twitter.com/RdWasee?s=09 ___________________________________ Other important video links like this:- Overal l tablet • Ovral L Tablet | Ovral L Tablet Uses ... Methergin Tablet | सभी महिलाएं बहुत ध्यान से देखें | Methergin • Methergin Tablet | Methergin Tablet K... Ondem 4 mg Tablet | उल्टी के लिए बेहतर है | Ondem Tablet • Ondem 4 Tablet | उल्टी की बढ़िया दवा ... Urispas Tablet 200 mg | दर्दनाक पेशाब, रात में अत्यधिक पेशाब और 😮 • Urispas Tablet | पेशाब में जलन , मवाद... Thank you for watching the lecture on Ovral l tablet or levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets i.p or garbh nirodhak goli or oral contraceptive pill.