BO6 Zombies | Completing ALL Easter Eggs Back to Back ! (Full Game/No Commentary)
This is exactly what I wanted to do before the end of the year, it was all in one go and technically flawless and without any gums, hope you enjoy ! Timestamps: 00:00 Liberty Falls start (augments and loadout) 17:45 Boss fight no.1 23:00 Liberty Falls done 23:25 Terminus start (augments and loadout) 54:40 Boss fight no.2 1:00:10 Terminus done 1:01:30 Citadelle des Morts start (augments and loadout) 1:44:30 Boss fight no.3 1:52:40 Aaaaand we're done Quer conhecer uma galera para jogar Zombies e dar risada de vários memes? Siga no Insta e entre no grupo do Face da COD Zombies Brasil: Facebook: / codzbr Instagram: / codzombiesbrasil