I Spent 500 Days Building a Cozy Cottagecore Base - Minecraft Chill Survival [Full Movie]

I Spent 500 Days Building a Cozy Cottagecore Base - Minecraft Chill Survival [Full Movie]

In this full movie we spend 500 days in Minecraft survival mode building up a cozy base with starter homes and farms. This series is taken at a slower more relaxing pace where we take our time building up a beautiful Minecraft world. Thanks for watching! Find me here!   / infinitedrift_     / infinitedrifft   Need a server? BisectHosting has you covered Check them out here: https://bisecthosting.com/drift And use code "drift" for 25% off your first month! Get some Rogue Energy here! Link: https://rogueenergy.com/?ref=cZ47qyLz1u Use code DRIFT for 20% off Seed: -5457862359529791839 Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Resource packs: Jerms better leaves