Egbert's Walkthroughs Sniper 3d Assassin Ahnselmman Spec Ops Mission 5 Jeep vs Helicopters

Egbert's Walkthroughs Sniper 3d Assassin Ahnselmman Spec Ops Mission 5 Jeep vs Helicopters

Hello everyone. In this video, I go through Anselmman Spec Ops Mission 5, Jeep vs. Helicopters in the Sniper 3d Assassin mobile game. This one took me 3 tries to complete. The key is to watch your six, your backside, as the jeep drives up the road. The first helicopter with your first target will pop up behind you. The other 3 are easier to get. You will have to scan around you while the jeep is driving to find them. Again, turn and watch your back for that very first one and you should be good to go.