Borderlands 3 | Best Bosses and Locations to Farm for Legendaries!

Borderlands 3 | Best Bosses and Locations to Farm for Legendaries!

In this video I showcase the 20 best bosses and locations to farm for legendaries in borderlands 3. These farms will net you a load of legendary weapons and gear and I also let you know how to increase your legendary drop rates. These are the best legendary loot farms in the game that will have that orange twinkle burned into your eyes in no time. Make sure to like and subscribe for more :) Check out my game store where every purchase supports the channel: Listen to Hundreds Now! 🎵 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 iTunes: 🎵 Youtube Music:    • Hundreds   Follow me on Twitter:   / spartangamezone   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wonderlands - Builds:    • Wonderlands // Builds   Item Showcases:    • Wonderlands // Item Showcases   Dedicated Drop Spots:    • Playlist   Lucky Dice Locations:    • Playlist   Borderlands 3 - Check Out All Underrated Borderlands 3 Weapons:    • Borderlands 3 Underrated Weapons   Find the Most Iconic Weapons in Borderlands History Here:    • Chronicles of Borderlands   Looking For a Sweet Borderlands 3 Build? Find it Here:    • Borderlands 3 Builds   Take a Look at All My Borderlands 3 Countdowns:    • Borderlands 3 Countdowns   Check Out the Best Borderlands 3 Weapons From Each Manufacturer:    • Borderlands 3 Weapon Brand Countdowns   The Top Borderlands 3 Weapons of Each Class in One Place:    • Borderlands 3 Weapon Class Countdowns   00:00 Intro 00:27 How to Maximize Drop Rates 01:22 Katagawa Jr. 01:54 Guardian Takedown 02:14 Killavolt 03:18 Dinklebot 03:48 Graveward 04:18 Tom & Xam 04:56 Scraptrap’s Nest 05:50 Cistern of Slaughter 06:25 Agonizer 9000 06:59 The Seer 07:30 Amach 08:12 Slaughter Shaft 09:03 Freddie the Traitor 10:00 Hemovorous the Invincible 10:49 Wotan the Invincible 11:31 Villa Ultraviolet 12:37 True Trial of Discipline 13:37 Heavyweight Harker & Arms Race 14:35 True Trail of Instinct 15:33 Kormash