MY PATREON (FULL REACTION PART !!!, FOUR EPISODES OF ADVANCE, FULL OPACITY, NO ADDS) : / laurareactions Hello ! I finished this episode exhausted, sweating, crying like hell. I said it, I felt that All Might was ready to die, to sacrifice himself, that this fight would be intense. But I didn't expect that we'll have so much big informations and reveals during it. First, these flashbacks with All Might's mentor proving how much she counted for him, she inspired him. And then that big reveal about Shigaraki being her grandson ! It brang so many questions in my mind : why the previous flashback as a kid, why no one took care of him etc. All For One knew that All Might was getting weaker and he guessed that All Might gave it to Dekku. But the big reveal, it was for All Might to end the fight with that big final move, so impressive, but also to understand that it was the end of his quirk, the remains of it. And that, Dekku understood it. And after all of the tears I had watching the crowd cheering and supporting All Might as their top hero, I had some others when I saw Dekku understanding that in fact he was losing here his hero. I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you. My Tip Page : https://streamlabs.com/laurareactions My Patreon : / laurareactions My Twitter : / reactionslaura My Tiktok : / laurareactions