Pedagogy MCQs most repeated URDU Video 5

Pedagogy MCQs most repeated URDU Video 5

WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL Fazal Rabi What is Pedagogy, Define Pedagogy, pedagogy teaching, Education. Pedagogy, taken as an academic discipline, is the study of how knowledge and skills are imparted in an educational context, and it considers the interactions that take place during learning. Both the theory and practice of pedagogy varies greatly, as they reflect different social, political, and cultural contexts. The science and art of education and learning theory. Just as there are fields of study in other subjects, this is the study of teaching. For example: Eva’s Mom feels good about the math app she just installed because Eva’s math teacher said it has high pedagogical value. Learning about the effective teaching and teaching methodology is pedagogy. For teachers pedagogy is very much necessary , without it a teacher is not able to deliver properly and effectively.... This is very useful video for students, learners,teachers and those who want to increase their knowledge and understandings. Data collected about Islam , Pakistan , science , world and many more. This is very useful video for students, learners,teachers and those who want to increase their knowledge and understandings. Data collected about English Grammar, Islam , Pakistan , science , world and many more. This Video may be useful for your exam preparations like NTS , CSS , ECAT , FTS, GAT , MCAT , PMS , PSC , CSS,FPSC,PPSC,UTS, OTS,ETEA,and for any other competitive exams. I have collected some very useful Pak study MCQs,which will be beneficial for the students ,learners and Teachers... Thanks Please subscribe our channel If you want more beautiful videos Click below Pedagogy MCQs Video 3    • Pedagogy MCQs most repeated URDU Video 3   Pedagogy MCQs Video 2 link    • Pedagogy MCQs most repeated URDU Video 2   Pedagogy MCQs link Preposition defined and Examples Pak.Study MCQs part 3 Pak.Study MCQs part 1 Pak.Study MCQs part 2 Current Affairs MCQs part 1 Current Affairs MCQs part 2 General Knowledge MCQs part 1 General Knowledge MCQs part 2 How to write an application par 1/3 How to write an application par 2/3 Antonyms and synonyms easliy defined with examples 416 most common antonyms adventure kalam ,swat, and other videos WATCH NEW VIDEO OF MANKYAL KALAM UNKNOW TRASURE Check our facebook page for best landscapes and photography trips and Educational Lectures Must like and share it   / fazalrabbi999   Thanks so much feel free for queries