February 25th Tuesday Brother Celebrates Evening Prayer 4 Global Peace!
Details of Brother’s ministry please go to his websitehttp://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... Brother has recorded over 4K of videos 4 those on the spiritual path. Go to our old Youtube: / @brotherseanbradley February 25th Tuesday Brother Celebrates Evening Prayer from the Celtic Franciscan Tradition 2 Allow U Self Heal! For 59 years, Brother continues to recite the Divine Office of Vespers since entering the monastic nursing order where he trained as a nursing monk and gave 39 years of his life dedicated to caring for the sick and dying. Today, Brother leads Evening Prayer with guided Meditation concluding with exposition of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 2 self heal all that may be holding you back from receiving the rays of Christ’s Mystical Healing love. Brother prays 4 Peace from the Celtic Christian Franciscan Traditions. Brother comes to you from his heart sharing only the pure love of God-the God of a Thousand Names. So, why not come and Join Brother with our Prayer Partners from different beliefs from around the world. If you need Brother’s support connecting with God via meditation, prayer or using the Angel Bagua in your home and or garden, then please email Brother for details. If The Spirit of the Universal Christ & St Francis of Assisi is guiding your heart to come and Join our online Celtic Franciscan Interfaith Community as one of God’s Prayer Partners on earth, then please visit this link Tau’s Prayer Partners 4 God on Earth: http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... or visit our website: http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org… Shalom - Peace -Namaste - OmShanti - Pax et Bonum -Deus Amoris Est -Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo-Beannacht /Blessing-Ad Maiorem Dei Gloria -Sith - Rauha - Friede Brother Sean Mary TCOIF (Rev) Brother Sean TCOSF Br’ Sean’s Monastery of Saint Francis (UK) http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... francis/ (See new updates) EMAIL: [email protected] Br Sean Mary’s Prayer Channel: Times: 08.00 Hrs AM and 05.00 Hrs PM GMT-LONDON New YouTube Channel Launched in November 2024 / @padreseanmarybradley Brother has recorded over 4K of videos 4 those on the spiritual path. Go to our old Youtube: / @brotherseanbradley Tau Community new website http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org/ Tau’s Prayer Partners 4 God on Earth: http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... Several Recordings of videos of the Monastery and Brother’s Online Prayers. http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... For Details of Brother’s ministry please go to his website http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org. Franciscan Blessings to all our beloved Prayer Pals volunteering to share the smile of their God with the Christ Light to all God's children today. Brother x