Easy Country Style Pickled Eggs Recipe!@barefootcountrycookisbacki2981
Pickled Eggs are SO DELICIOUS! Just save a glass pickle jar or a quart size canning jar. Hard boil 6-10 eggs - put eggs in a pan and cover with water, bring to a rolling boil and let boil for 10 minutes. After the eggs are cooked, run some cool water over them to where they are still "hot" but peelable. The trick to peeling a hot hard boiled egg, without it getting broken is to crack the fat rounded end of the egg. When you peel a warm/hot egg from the rounded end you will not have to fight with the inside membrane.(During the boiling process and air bubble forms there and forces the member to stick to the inside of the shell) Place the still warm/hot hardboiled eggs in the jar. Whole waiting for the eggs to cook, in a small sauce pan add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to one jar of canned beets with the beet juice, DO NOT DRAIN OFF the juice. Heat the vinegar beet mixture until it starts to slightly boil. Pour the vinegar beet juice over the hard boiled eggs and put the top back onto the jar. Whole the eggs and beet juice are cooling turn the jar about every 10-15 for even pickling and even purple color. The ideal pickling time is overnight, once room temperature put in the refrigerator. Please try this recipe and let me know what you think! Thank you for watching and God Bless!