How To Stop Instagram Account From Being Suggested | Easy Instagram Tutorial
In this video, I will show you how to stop Instagram account from being suggested. This simple Instagram tutorial will guide you through the steps to ensure your account is not suggested to others, and other accounts aren't suggested on your profile. So if you are asking yourself how to stop Instagram from suggesting my account? Then you have come to the right tutorial. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to remove your Instagram account from suggested profiles quickly and easily. We’ll demonstrate how to prevent Instagram from suggesting your account by changing a key setting, ensuring your privacy and control over the app’s features. This process requires using a browser like Safari, as the Instagram app doesn’t allow this adjustment directly. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:12 What we need to do 0:25 Accessing Instagram from Safari 0:45 Navigating to your profile 1:00 How to stop Instagram account from being suggested 1:18 Saving your settings -1:30 Conclusion and next steps This video tutorial provides an easy and effective solution to stop Instagram from suggesting your account to others and prevent Instagram from suggesting other accounts on your profile. It's a quick fix that enhances your privacy and ensures you have more control over your Instagram experience. If you found this video helpful, please like, comment, and subscribe for more Instagram tutorials! Let us know in the comments what topics you’d like to see next. #InstagramTutorial #SocialMediaTips #InstagramPrivacy #StopInstagramSuggestions