Chill Chill Village Blooper - Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit
Chill Chill Village is the first of four new original courses I'm making for my Holiday Cup on Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. It's unique in that is a daytime/nighttime course. The daytime version takes place at Dusk so the village lights have turned on even though the sun is still lighting the sky. The night time course takes place when the moon is out in the middle of a snowstorm. Since this is the winter, holiday course Mario is wearing a Santa Hat. The soundtracks used are the Mario Kart 8 track intro, Mario Kart 8's version of GCN Sherbet Land, and Mario Kart Live Lighting Cup's Jolly Workshop. Full Course: • Chill Chill Village (Day/Night Course... For more of my courses click here: • Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Epic ... #shorts #mariokart #mariokartlive #christmas