June 20, 2021 10AM Worship Service

June 20, 2021 10AM Worship Service

Recordings of our worship services will be available online the following Tuesday. Today's Sermon: Conversations with Christ: Doubt and Belief Walt Draughon Scripture Reading Marq Ryan Worship Through Music: (Prelude) Sunshine in My Soul with Sunlight arr. Brant Adams; 2003 Lorenz Publishing co. Mary Ann Cooper - Piano Rev. Mitch Huskison - Trumpet All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Hymn #202) Sanctuary Choir Amen, Amen (Spritual, arr. by Larson) Sanctuary Choir Kirk Kirkpatrick - solo I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Hymn #192) Congregation King of Love (I Am They) 100 South Main Worship Band Hundred Miles (Crowder) 100 South Main Worship Band (Postlude) Crown Him Lord of All arr. McDonald; Lorenz Publishing Company Mary Ann Cooper - organ