Dying Light 2 - Firearms Update. The Lost Armory Walkthrough - Part 2
How to find guns in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Dying Light 2 - Firearms Update. The Lost Armory Walkthrough - Part 2 Dying Light 2 Stay Human is an action-adventure role playing game developed and released by Techland in 2022. Dying Light 2 is the follow-up sequel to the smash hit Dying Light from 2015. Dying Light 2 was released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, PC, Xbox X, Xbox S, and Xbox One. Nintendo Switch has been rumored to be developing Dying Light 2 Stay Human but at this time has not been released. Dying Light 2 Stay Human is an action adventure, survival horror, zombie video game, that focuses on melee combat and parkour for both combat and escaping the zombie hordes. Dying Light 2 takes place in a fictional world where a zombie apocalypse has taken over the world, twenty-two years after the original Dying Light. You play in first person view as protagonist Aiden Caldwell. Weapons like shotguns, spears, knives, staves, clubs, grappling hooks, hammers and more can be upgraded with a large upgrade system. Aiden can gather materials throughout the world and use them to craft many different items and weapon upgrades that will be key to your survival against the zombies. Players can craft firecrackers, UV lights, Flares, Bombs, Molotov Cocktails, lock picks and so much more. Crafting and weapon upgrades have been significantly bolstered since the first Dying Light and play a huge part of Dying Light 2 and the progression of the story. Dying Light 2 Stay Human, Gameplay and video game walkthrough by Your Pal Al Gaming will include narration, original gameplay, tips, tricks, and much more. Stealth Side Quest. Saving Ciro from the Carnage Hall dungeon side quest. SHOP MY GAMING FAVORITES: https://amzn.to/3UKdzVd Dying Light 2 Stay Human – By Your Pal Al Gaming #dyinglightgame #survivalhorrorgaming #dyinglight2 #Gaming #Gameplay #actionadventure #FPS #roleplayinggame #Yourpalalgaming