A simple Fish Curry Recipe. Tilapia Stew recipe/ Balanced diet idea.
Here is a Simple and delicious tilapia curry recipe/ balanced diet recipe. Ingredients; 1. 4 tilapia(s) 2. 3 cloves of garlic. 3. 2 large tomatoes. 4. 1 green bale pepper 5. 1 Corriander. 6. Coconut milk. 7. Large red onion. 8. Tspn garam masala 9. Tspn beef masala. 10. Salt to taste. 11. Vegetable oil. Benefit of having a balanced diet; It generally supports your body's natural processes and promotes long term health. It also; 1. Improve energy levels. 2. Better immune function. 3.Weight management. 4. Enhances Brain function. 5. Stronger bones and muscles. 6. Digestive Health. 7. Prevent Chronic Diseases. 8. Improves skin and Hair. Music: Sweet Love Musician: DayFox URL: https://pixabay.com/music/beats-sweet...