Sare Parindon ko new Aviary men chordya||Releasing more bird's#birds

Sare Parindon ko new Aviary men chordya||Releasing more bird's#birds

Sare Parindon ko new cage men chordya||Releasing bird's in New Cage Finches Or Parrots Ko Birds Aviary Main Chor Dia 🥰 Updating Our Aviary..! What a Surprise.. First Birth from our aviary | Budgie and Java laid first egg | And Making Water pool for our Birds Checkout Our Aviary Videos    / @ourbirdsyard   Releasing More Birds | Making Water Pool For Birds | Showing First Birth From Our Aviary Thank you for watching...!!! Please LIKE & SHARE If you have any doubts please comment below this video. #Aviary #aviary_for_birds Finches Or Parrots Ko Birds Aviary Main Chor Dia 🥰 #parrot #birds #petsvlog #ahmapetsvlog #ahma #finch #cockatiel #parrotvideo #parrots #shehrmaindihat #bird #birdsaviary #trending #birds #guineafowleggs #birdslover