3-Day Mono Fruit Fast - Apples ONLY! Weight Loss Results

3-Day Mono Fruit Fast - Apples ONLY! Weight Loss Results

My name is India, and I'm currently on my wellness journey. This is a life-long commitment. I'm here not to be perfect, but to improve wherever I can. I've lost OVER 120 lbs and have been maintaining my weight loss for years. I decided on doing a 3-day mono-fruit fast! I love doing these little challenges because it's a great way to get back on track. In this video I'll only be consuming apples. Wish me luck! Inspiration/motivation: ‪@DeathofaLifestyle‬    • I Ate Only Apples For 1 Week   I love talking about my personal weight loss journey, family, food, lifestyle, and wellness. If this interests you, consider subscribing to my channel: ​   / indiasheana   Want more? Watch these videos here:    • 3-Day Watermelon Diet! Losing Inches ...      • 3-Day Watermelon Diet! Weight Loss + ...      • 3-Day Fast | 72 Hours, No Food! Results   NEXT CHALLENGE: Follow my community page! https://www.youtube.com/@indiasheana/... WEIGHT LOSS HISTORY:    • My History with Weight Loss (pictures)   How I lost OVER 100lbs:    • How I Lost OVER 100 lbs - Weight Loss...   India's Black Weight Loss Success Story: https://www.blackweightlosssuccess.co... MY STATS: Age: 38 - Height: 5'6" - Gender: Female Highest Weight: 259 lbs Start Weight: 238 lbs Goal Weight: 200 lbs (exceeded) 💛 Lowest Weight: 128 lbs Current Weight: 136.6 lbs CARE OF VITAMINS! Get 50% off your first order using my link: https://takecareof.com/invites/is1vwy CONNECT! linktr.ee/indiaSheana There are several variations to a watermelon diet, but I decided just to consume watermelon and water to keep it simple. I'm not a medical professional! HASHTAGS: #MonoFruitFast #MonoFruit #3DayFast #WhatIEatInADay #Foodie #indiaSheana #WeightLossMotivation #ExtendedFasting #IntermittentFasting #ProlongedFasting #WeightLossJourney #WellnessJourney #WeightLossTransformation #Transformation #GettingBackOnTrack #OnTrack #Eating #Food #HowToLoseWeight #CaloriesInCaloriesOut #Volumetrics #HighVolumeMeals #HighVolumeEating #HighVolume #LargePortions #Cravings #Diet #Lifestyle #Vegetables #Weight #Healthy #GettingHealthy #StayingOnTrack #MaintainingWeight #WeightMaintenance #LosingWeight #Obesity #Overweight #WeightPsychology #Fitness #Health #CountingCalories #CalorieCounting #Veggies