Borderlands 3: Crader's EM-P5 legendary submachine gun. Red Text- Dust off the beta EMP5

Borderlands 3: Crader's EM-P5 legendary submachine gun. Red Text- Dust off the beta EMP5

Crader's EM-P5 is a legendary submachine gun, manufactured by Dahl. This SMG pumps out an insane amount of damage. It has a high fire rate, reload speed, and great handling and accuracy. This weapon is a Mayhem Mode 4 or higher Legendary. You can get it from Valkyrie Squad who is located in Maliwan Takedown and Wotan the Invincible. It also has a chance of dropping from the Agonizer 9000 that is located in the Guts of Carnivora on Pandora.