How To Grow Garlic - Ultimate Guide For High Yields

How To Grow Garlic - Ultimate Guide For High Yields

→How to garlic from clove - This is a garlic growing guide on how to grow large quantities of hardneck garlic or softneck garlic on a small amount of space. I take you through all the steps visually from seed to harvest and share my growing tips and tricks so you can grow more food! You'll lean my process in selecting garlic seeds, when to plant garlic, how to plan for maxim productivity and many other garlic growing tips. This garlic growing guide is focused on how to grow garlic, with hardneck as an example (Russian Red hard-neck garlic), however,​ can be used for soft neck garlic as well. We are using the square foot garden method for growing garlic in a raised garden bed. Follow this growing garlic guide and you’ll be on your way to grow massive amounts of garlic! Growing garlic from cloves. #garlic #plantinggarlic #growinggarlic Where to Buy Garlic - Two Places to Check: Hoss Tool Garlic - High Mowing - 00:00 Intro 00:12 When to Grow Garlic 00:35 Selecting The Garlic Type To Grow 01:38 Where To Buy Seed Garlic 02:21 Prepping Garden for Growing Garlic 03:00 Garlic Plant Spacing 03:35 How to Plant Garlic 04:35 How to Mulch Garlic 04:45 Removing Mulch In Spring & Harvest Scapes 05:10 How to Harvest Garlic 05:52 How to Harvest and Cure Garlic SUBSCRIBE HERE → 🪴PLAN YOUR GARDEN IN MINUTES WITH OUR CUSTOM PLANNING TOOL ⏰ → High Mowing Seeds Garlic (Affiliate Link) → Subscribe On Youtube - Follow On Instagram -   / organicbackyardgardening   Join My Insiders List for Free Weekly Garden Tips - Grow Merch - then coolest garden designs on the web! :) - WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL 💡SAVE 3% ON MARS HYDRO GROW LIGHTS → Mars Hydro Link: → Use Discount Code: OBG → As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from Amazon Links