How to FIX/OPTIMIZE Saints Row 2

How to FIX/OPTIMIZE Saints Row 2

IMPORTANT NOTE "After uploading this video I tried the game at 50 FPS to see if the cutscenes are in sync and THEY ARE... I then play a few missions/activities (about a hour or so) and have not had any crashes since so maybe you can put 50 FPS as the games limit, as it runs so much better at 50 instead of 30" Gentelment Of Saints Row MOD Saints Row Resolution Fix Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings Antialiasing FXAA On Antialiasing Mode Override any application setting Antialiasing Setting 8x Antialiasing Transparency 8x Supersample Low Latency Mode On Max Frame Rate 31 FPS or 50 FPS Power management mode Prefer Maximum Performance Vertical Sync "Adaptive (Half Refresh Rate)" at 30 FPS or "Fast" at 50 FPS