Creating Daima Adult Goku In Dragonball xenoverse 2 - This is So amazing I a hope it will be DlC
Dragonball Daima is nearly at a close as the remaining epsidoes are yet to be released goku will most likely trasfrom back to an adult via the wish or some other way which will later lead into Dragonball Supers timeline. I've created my own Adult Goku Cac using the daima outfit and base goku wig long with trasformation wins and more this will be a fun one to celebrate an amazing 20 episode adventure. Time stamps below 0:00 Introduction 1:45 Building Preset 1 - Base Goku Daima 2:25 Preset 1 - Goku Base Daima 6:25 Building Preset 2 Ss2 Goku Daima 7:00 Preset 2 - Ss2 Goku Daima 9:36 Building Preset 3 - Ss3 Goku Daima 9:45 Preset 3 - Ss3 Goku Daima 12:52 Building Preset 4 - Ss4 Goku Daima 13:21 Preset 4 - Ss4 Goku Daima 17:18 Building Preset 5 - Ss4 Goku version 2 Daima 17:35 Preset 5 - Ss4 Goku Version 2 Daima 20:24 Adult Goku Daima vs Kid Goku Daima 23:40 Outro CONTENT: / @themysticwolfie1916 also follow me on twich i normally upload alot of videos there come join in and watch me behind the scence of mpst of the videos you see hear and we can have a laugh over there. / madwolf500 check out my dragonball edited fight content • Video check out my dbx2 content • Mystic wolfie plays-Dragonball Xenove... check out my minecraft content • How to build Goku in minecraft:Goku Skin check out my fortnite content • Fortnite Creative Mode MC Style - Bui... this channel is mainly about the same subjexts however its how i edit videos and video ideas and how i get ideas and more vlogs and behind the scences ill still upload mrs browns boys haer and there bare in mimd it is copyrighted so ill try at least.thankyou wolfsters 🙂👍 with your support we can grow bigger and show them that this channel can be just as good. my main channel has 1020 subs but ive recently gotten suspended im not sure why or how bit i know ive not got copyrighted strikes theres two ways it can go 1 its beeing tuck down for good for some reason 2 yt is reviewing my channel to make sure it can be monitised however im still gonna upload on this channel because if it get stuck down this will be the new with your support we can grow bigger and show them that this channel can be just as good.#TheMysticWolfie#