The Divine Mercy Chaplet - Thursday 20th March, 2025.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet - Thursday 20th March, 2025.

Thank you for joining us here today to pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet. We gather here everyday to pray this beautiful devotion. We pray for each other, & for the whole world. If you have any prayer intentions, please put them in the box below so we can pray for you. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a chaplet that was given to Saint Faustina by Jesus as a spiritual tool for obtaining pardon for one's sins through the offering of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus to the Father in atonement for sins. God’s Mercy is open to each, & everyone of us so, Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE these videos, so we can grow our prayer community, & to share God’s Mercy with the whole world🙏🏻God Bless You! #TheDivineMercyChaplet #DivineMercyChaplet #PrayTheDivineMercyChaplet #JoinMeAsWePrayTheDivineMercyChaplet #JoinMeAsWePrayTheChapletOfDivineMercy #PrayTheChapletOfDivineMercy #TheChapletOfDivineMercy #ChapletOfDivineMercy #DivineMercy #DivineMercyDevotion #DivineMercyPrayers #DailyDivineMercyChaplet #StFaustina #JoinMeAsWePray #ForTheSakeOfHisSorrowfulPassion #HaveMercyUponUsAndTheWholeWorld #JesusWeTrustInYou #HailMaryFullOfGrace #OurFatherWhoArtInHeaven #GloryBeToTheFatherTheSonAndTheHolySpirit #HailHolyQueen #TheVirginMary #MotherMary #CatholicDevotions #CatholicPrayers #ForTheSakeOfIsSorrowfulPassion #CatholicChurch #CatholicFaith #Catholic #Faith #Religion #CatholicPrayerCommunity #StayPrayedUp