2021's Best Outtakes And Bloopers With Gemma Stafford & Bigger Bolder Baking
It's that time of year again! And I'll be honest, bloopers and outtakes are the BEST part of any show — and ours is no exception. Enjoy all of our best outtakes and bloopers in 2021! And then get all of the baking recipes you need at https://www.biggerbolderbaking.com! **SUBSCRIBE to The Bold Baking Academy — or give a subscription as a gift for the baker in your life! Courses now in session: https://academy.biggerbolderbaking.com **WATCH The Top-5 Holiday Cookie Recipes Of 2021! • The Top 5 Holiday Cookie Recipes Of 2... **GET The Top-10 Classic Christmas Cookie Recipes! https://bit.ly/10XmasCookies Bookmark my Holiday Baking Headquarters for all of your holiday baking needs: http://bit.ly/HolidayHeadquarters **WATCH my other cookie recipes! • Cookie Recipes | Bigger Bolder Baking... SUBSCRIBE to my Channel: http://bit.ly/GemmasBoldBakers ABOUT GEMMA Hi Bold Bakers! I’m Gemma Stafford, a professional chef originally from Ireland, and the host of Bigger Bolder Baking. I’m passionate about sharing my years of baking expertise to show you how to bake with confidence anytime, anywhere! Join millions of other Bold Bakers in the community for new videos at 8:30am Pacific Time every Thursday! FOLLOW ME HERE, BOLD BAKERS! Website (All written recipes can be found here): https://www.BiggerBolderBaking.com Facebook: / biggerbolderbaking Instagram: / gemma_stafford & / biggerbolderbaking Pinterest: / biggerbolderbaking Twitter: / gemstaff16 Shop Bigger Bolder Baking Bakeware: http://bit.ly/BBBakingShop Recipe: https://www.biggerbolderbaking.com #bloopers #outtakes #biggerbolderbaking