Melon Shaved Ice | 멜론빙수 | 멜론빙수만들기 | Melon Bingsu |

Melon Shaved Ice | 멜론빙수 | 멜론빙수만들기 | Melon Bingsu |

This “Melon Shaved Ice” is perfect for these warm Summers! You can do this easily at home without a machine!!~ 요즘같이 더운 날씨에 딱인 시원한 디저트 “멜론빙수”를 만들어 보았어요! 기계없이 멜론빙수를 만들어보세요!!~ Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe and click the “like” button if you like what you see! And leave us a comment about other foods you want to see We have a ton of videos coming your way! Things you need! MATERIALS; cutting board 도마 knife 칼 bowls 그릇 cooking spoon 요리스푼 ziplock 지퍼백 ice cream scoop 아이스크림스쿱 measuring cups and spoons 계랑컵/스푼 FOOD: melon 멜론 milk 우유 sweetened condensed milk 연유 water 물 vanilla ice cream 바닐라아이스크림 apple mint or mint 애플민트 Follow Nan! Instagram: @nanthehousechef #melonshavedice #멜론빙수 #melon