Tuesday Mass August 31, 2021 8:00 am
St. Catherine of Siena - Moscow, PA http://northpoconocatholic.com St. Catherine’s Parish now has online giving. Please consider donating to our Mass Collection using the link below. Your choice to give online will help our parish to be better stewards of our Time, Treasure and Talent. HOW TO CREATE YOUR ONLINE GIVING ACCOUNT It is as easy as 1 2 3 to create your account online right on our parish website. 1- Visit http://northpoconocatholic.com and click Give Online. 2- Click on the collection you wish to donate to. 3- Click Recurring Donation, enter your donation amount and frequency. 4-After you make a donation, an email will be sent to you to create your password. It is that easy! Your account will be created & you can start giving online. Questions? Please contact the church office. If you prefer you are still able to donate to our Mass Collection using the traditional envelopes or using the link below. https://www.dioceseofscranton.org/dir... Then select "Saint Catherine of Siena Parish - Moscow" from the drop down menu. We appreciate your generosity during this difficult time. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License A-701109. All rights reserved. #DailyMass