FILL YOUR SKETCHBOOK: 7+ ideas, inspiration, & benefits
I used to think sketchpads and sketchbooks were essentially the same and served the same purpose...until I tried a sketchbook! Here's a look at my 1st one and how it boosted my art practice. SKETCHBOOKS MENTIONED 3-pack mini watercolor sketchbook: https://amzn.to/3BrJch2 100% Cotton Paper: https://amzn.to/4grYSjt ART VIDEOS I MENTION Sketchbook starter ideas: • 5 Art ideas to fill those first pages... Christmas sketcbook tour: • Sketchbook Tour 📕✨ How I Prepare for ... TUTORIALS MENTIONED Beach: • WATERCOLOR BEACH TUTORIAL | Watercolo... Snuffed out candle: • Paint a Snuffed Out Candle | Quick Wa... Christmas cards with red car & tree on top: • Cozy Homemade Watercolor Christmas Ca... Cozy Hot Chocolate: • 🎄DAY 10: Hot Cocoa Watercolor | Easy... Gnomes: • Paint These Adorable Watercolour Gnom... THE STRAIGHT EDGE CUTTER I USE: https://amzn.to/4eNqizC I bought this before I started watercolor. I mostly use it for watercolor now, though! It isn't perfect, but I like that it's small. My Channel on SIMPLIFYING LIFE AT HOME: / @theclutterlady 0:00 Intro/Sketchbooks 2:01 First Pages 3:26 Benefit One 5:40 Benefit Two 11:41 Benefit Three 20:02 Cozy Christmas Paintings 26:25 Benefit Four 27:22 Benefit Five 28:46 Benefit Six 31:25 Benefit Seven AMAZON ALL-TIME FAVORITES (not just related to watercolors…I need to make a list of those, though!) https://www.meganstarbuckphotography.... MY TOP 10 BOOKS ON RUNNING A BUSINESS https://www.meganstarbuckphotography.... BOOKS ABOUT DIGITAL MINIMALISM https://www.meganstarbuckphotography.... GEAR I USE REGULARLY Paint Tutorial Ring Light Mount/Phone Stand: https://amzn.to/4fEH5p9 Voiceover mic that works with my phone and laptop (usb-c): https://amzn.to/49dywiM Camera: https://amzn.to/3rHUitF Lens: https://amzn.to/3QayRuz Tripod: https://amzn.to/46IuPPz Mic: I used to use this https://amzn.to/48OyZaA but now I mostly just use the mic that’s built in the camera or the one for voiceovers *Disclaimer: This video is NOT sponsored. I use affiliate links, especially as an Amazon Associate. As a customer, you do not pay any more or less because of an affiliated link. A small percentage of the sale will go to me as the person who generated the link. Thank you for supporting my channel! VIDEO RECORDING + EDITING BY: Starbuck Photography meganstarbuckphotography.com #watercolorforbeginners #sketchbooktour #sketchbookideas