9 HORRIBLE Things You Can Do in RDR2 | 3

9 HORRIBLE Things You Can Do in RDR2 | 3

#reddeadredemption #arthurmorgan #rdr2 Red dead redemption 2 gameplay The material is made to entertain you my dear friends, do not take everything seriously, with love to you. 00:00 - Rescue and k#ll a teenager's dog in front of him 00:59 - Brazenly push the witness of the stagecoach crash 01:37 - To bring a blind man to tears 02:57 - To deprive a veteran of a second leg 04:03 - Kill a bull gator with a cannon 05:07 - Bullying and threatening abigail and john in their own apartment 05:50 - To finish what the perpetrator started 06:34 - K#ll Jack in front of Abigail 07:42 - Help the bear eat Hosea