![[초중급]원어민 영어회화 듣기 주제 Daily Life](https://krtube.net/image/LWxeNNaXym0.webp)
[초중급]원어민 영어회화 듣기 주제 Daily Life
📖원어민영어회화 프리토킹 영상 Daily Question 71 Daily Life 영상입니다~! 수업듣기전에 원어민분들이 어떻게 이야기를 나누는지 미리 한번 듣기식으로 보고 와주세요~! #원어민대화 #영어듣기연습 #영어회화표현 / 더보기 클릭하여 질문 바로가기! 👍스터디에 참여하고 싶다면? https://bit.ly/3dZWbGX 00:15 Q1 What things do you always do every morning? 01:38 Q2 What brings you the most happiness in your life? 02:33 Q3 Is there any place in your mind that you would like to go now? 04:49 Q4 What are some ways to save money on daily expenses? 07:21 Q5 If you could re-live today, what would you do differently? 10:06 Q6 What is your favorite time of day? 11:39 Q7 Compared to yesterday, Is there anything that worked out well, or that you were able to do better today? 13:20 Q8 Was there something that you wanted to do today, but couldn’t? 14:18 Q9 With whom would you like to spend the longest number of hours with? What would you do? 16:55 Q10 Do you have something you have to do before you fall asleep? 👍스터디 문의 카카오톡 http://pf.kakao.com/_xeMISK/chat 👍컬컴 인스타그램 culcom 👍컬컴에서 어떻게 공부하는지 궁금하다면, 클릭! http://pf.kakao.com/_xeMISK 👍구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니당! 👍피드백은 항상 환영입니다!