🎨 How to use GIMP - Beginner Tutorial

🎨 How to use GIMP - Beginner Tutorial

In this step-by-step overview, learn how to use GIMP. We start with how to download and install GIMP. We then explore the interface, including the toolbox, tool options, color selection, docks / tabs, and the menu system. Next, we look at all the options to customize the experience, from resizing docks, to turning on or off single window mode, to changing icon colors, and adjusting the theme from dark to light. We continue by creating a new file and saving it. We then navigate through the canvas using various short cut keys. We then load some sample files, learn about layers, arrange the layers, and apply different opacities. We add text, use the selection tools, align objects, use brushes, filters, and colors. By the end of this video, you'll have foundational knowledge of how to use GIMP to start editing images. And best of all, you'll have your first image created in GIMP… a poster for the Kevin Cookie Company! 👋 Additional resources GIMP home page: https://www.gimp.org/ Sample image files to follow along: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmxrofZZlZ-whM8bZ... ⌚ Timestamps 0:00 Introduction 0:53 Download & install GIMP 1:26 Main interface 4:41 Top Menu 6:33 Customize interface 8:14 Create new file 9:38 Save as xcf 10:21 View shortcuts 10:58 Import sample image files 11:24 Layers 13:09 Scale / resize image 14:14 Bucket fill tool 15:34 Opacity 16:32 Selection tools 20:22 Text tools 22:03 Add text drop shadow 22:34 Group layers 23:21 Remove image background 25:52 Flip image 26:20 Alignment tool 26:48 Adjust colors - curves 29:51 Crop tool 31:27 Move text 31:55 Paintbrush tool 34:33 Gaussian Blur 35:13 Export as .png, .jpeg, or .gif 36:07 Wrap up 📃 Watch related playlists Playlist with all my videos on GIMP:    • GIMP Photo & Image Editing   🚩 Connect with me on social LinkedIn:   / kevinstratvert   Twitter:   / kevstrat   Facebook:   / kevin-stratvert-101912218227818   TikTok:   / kevinstratvert   Instagram:   / kevinstratvert   🔔 Subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/kevlers?... 🎬 Want to watch again? Navigate back to my YouTube channel quickly http://www.kevinstratvert.com 🛍 Support me with your Amazon purchases: https://amzn.to/3kCP2yz ⚖ As full disclosure, I use affiliate links above. Purchasing through these links gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is the same. #stratvert