In this scientifically backed informative video i will talk about TOP 10 FOODS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO DEMENTIA AND THINGS TO FOLLOW THAT WILL PREVENT CAUSING DEMENTIA Such as Foods to eat, foods to avoid, and more health tips and tricks. 💚 Welcome to Top 10 Food You Should Avoid or Eat To Get Healthy Naturally by Dr. AI; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others. SUBSCRIBE : ‪@Dr.AiWellnessLab‬ 🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Ai Wellness Lab with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor AI covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from an Ai Doctor, where we gather real information from real doctor, approved books, and scientifically researched information. 🥼 Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr. Ai Wellness Lab are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. #Fasting #IF #WellnessForLife #MasterHealth #DrEkberg #DrStenEkberg #HealthAndWellness #Doctor #HolisticDoctor #RealDoctor #HealthChampions #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #Dr.AiWellnessLab #ai #AIinhealthcare #AIwellnesstools #Technologyforbetterhealth #AI-drivenwellness #Healthtechsolutions #Cutting-edgehealthtechnology #AIandmentalhealth #Healthandwellness #Science-basedhealthtips #Healthylifestylehacks #Physicalandmentalwell-being #Holistichealth #Evidence-basedhealthtips #wellnessjourney #Science-backeddiettips #Exercise for mental health #Healthyeating #habitsTipsforahappierlife #Wellnessinspiration #Self-carestrategies #Healthyhabitsforgrowth #Thrivewithwellness Credits : ‪@drekberg‬