✨How to say "Let's go eat"? - 밥 먹으러 가자. (Casual form)
밥 [bap]: This means 'rice', which is a staple food in Korea. However, in this context, 밥 can also broadly mean 'a meal' or 'food'. 먹으러 [meo·geu·reo]: This part comes from the verb 먹다 (to eat), combined with -(으)러, indicating the purpose of going somewhere. 가자 [ga·ja]: This means 'let's go'. "밥 먹으러 가자" can be directly translated to "Let's go eat rice", but more naturally, it means "Let's go eat" or "Let's go for a meal". You can replace 밥 with other types of food or specific meals. 피자 먹으러 가자. (Let's go eat pizza) 국수 먹으러 가자. (Let's go eat noodles) 아침 먹으러 가자. (Let's go eat breakfast) 점심 먹으러 가자. (Let's go eat lunch) 저녁 먹으러 가자. (Let's go eat dinner) If you want to say "Let's go eat" in a polite manner, you can use "먹으러 가요" instead of "먹으러 가자". 밥 먹으러 가요. (Let's go eat) 피자 먹으러 가요. (Let's go eat pizza) 아침 먹으러 가요. (Let's go eat breakfast) Use this structure to invite someone to go eat together, and feel free to adapt it to the food or meal you prefer. I hope this video is helpful to you! 🐰🤗 📚 Want to dive deeper into Korean grammar related to this expression, such as 'V-(으)러 가다 (go to V)' or 'V-자 (let's V)"? Check out 'Master Korean Grammar Level 2'! Available as an eBook on our website and in paperback on Amazon! Click link in my bio/profile. 👉 @tomikorean ——— 📋 Scrips 밥 먹으러 가자. [bap meo·geu·reo ga·ja] Let's go eat. 아침 먹으러 가자. [a·chim meo·geu·reo ga·ja] Let's go eat breakfast. 고기 먹으러 가자. [go·gi meo·geu·reo ga·ja] Let's go eat meat. 불짬뽕 먹으러 가자. [bul·jjam·ppong meo·geu·reo ga·ja] Let's go eat Buljjamppong. 짜장면 먹으러 가자. [jja·jang·myeon meo·geu·reo ga·ja] Let's go eat Jjajangmyeon.