Yoga for chronic constipation patients || #shorts #yoga #shortvideo #trending  #yogapractice

Yoga for chronic constipation patients || #shorts #yoga #shortvideo #trending #yogapractice

Yoga for chronic constipation patients || #shorts #yoga #shortvideo #trending #yogapractice Effects of Supta Konasana: In this asana, the spine moves laterally and becomes more elastic. The colon, which is inverted during the movements, is exercised properly and elimination will be complete. People suffering from acute or chronic constipation which is the mother of several diseases derive great benefit from this asana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: #shorts #yoga #yogaexercises #yogaposestips #yogaposestoday #yogaposes #yogasana #yogaojivan #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #viralvideo #viralshort #viralvideos #motivation #motivational #morningroutine #morningyogastretch #morningroutine #suptakonasana #sports #fit #fitness #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #morningyogaflow #morningyoga ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Queries : Supta Konasana 2 for chronic constipation sufferers Benefits of Supta Konasana Supta Konasana ka faida surya namaskar song with steps surya namaskar variations for weight loss surya namaskar pose important yogasan best surya namaskar yoga steps after surya namaskar what should be do surya namaskar step by step video surya namaskar 12 steps with names yoga pose challenge yoga trending important yogasan surya namaskar short hot yoga for beginners -------------------------------------------------------------------------- follow me : @ Instagram:   / yoga_o_jivan   @ Facebook : Email: [email protected]